When Noah was 18 months old, he had only been walking for 3 months. At around 18 months is when he started to learn that he could "run". While our house was being remodeled, we were living with my parents, who's downstairs living area only consists of tile. One day, he was playing and began to run down the hall, tripped on his shoe and took a dive right into the tile. He chipped his left front tooth, but just enough that really only we could notice.
Fast forward to the future where this story brings you to 3 months ago. Noah was playing outside on a Sunday afternoon, just like any other day. Next thing I know, I've got a screaming 3 year old on my lap with blood gushing everywhere. He face planted right into the concrete. After we could get him to calm down and I could finally assess the damage, I noticed that same tooth he chipped 1.5 years earlier, was now pushed back just slightly behind his right front tooth. It wasn't loose and stayed in that same position for 2 weeks. At about this time is when I started to notice the tooth was discoloring. It was slowly turning a light purple color. I immediately took him to the dentist. He had a baby root canal performed and that then purple tooth has now turned brownish. Why the doc didn't bleach it after I asked him several times to, is beyond me, but that is where my baby boy is left...Brown.
Fast forward again, this time to the present. After arriving home from our 4 day cruise getaway (read last posting for more info), we decide to take a short nap before picking up the kids. As I enter my parents home (who was keeping the kids while on our trip) I see Jenavieve, my baby girl, give me a huge smile to show me how happy she is mommy and daddy are home. But wait...somethings missing from that beautiful smile of hers. What was it? I couldn't really put my finger on it until I picked her up and got a closer look. A chunk of her right front tooth is missing! I give my mom the "What the f*^# happened to my baby?" look and she slowly proceeds to tell us the story. She was getting ready to give the kids a bath and they were both already in the tub playing quietly while she sat and watched them. All of a sudden, Noah decides he wants to play rough with her and takes his belly and knocks her down (as he's done many times in the past), however this time she falls face first (usually it's butt first) and smacks right into the side of the tub, knocking out a chunk of her front tooth. We have her very first dental appointment scheduled for Friday...an event that is sure to make it into her baby book!
So Santa, this Christmas, I don't want nice clothes, jewelry or cool electronics. I just want my babies two front teeth to look exactly how they grew in. To have the cute baby smiles they had, before those awful adult teeth make their way through their gums and give them the ugly "inbetween phase" smiles...
October 17, 2006
My husband and I just got back from a 4 day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico. We'd never cruised before and wanted to test the waters, so to speak. We had a blast and I'm very happy we decided to try a short cruise before committing ourselves to a week long (or possibly longer) cruise. I don't get sea sick so that wasn't really an issue. As huge as those cruise ships are, they really aren't all that big inside. Well they are, but really, there aren't many places you can escape to. We were out to sea all day on one of the days and I quickly began to feel the effects of what is called "cabin fever". You only have so many places you can go, ie. one of several lounges, one of several bars, the outer decks with several bars, one of several restaurants or the casino. See a theme here? We quickly realized that unless you like to drink and party, a cruise may not be for you. However if you do like to eat (as any American does), you'll love cruising. I must have gained at least 10 lbs. in the 4 short days we were on board. If you're not drinking it up with the best of 'em, I guarantee you'll be eating it up with the best of 'em.
Prior to our recent trip my husband and I had discussed taking a Disney cruise with our kids once our daughter turns 3 (she's only 17 months now). With kids you have to plan everything early, no matter what anyone tells you. We were very interested in taking a week long cruise, but with our recent experience, I just don't believe I can be on board a ship for that long with my kids. Not only would the effects of cabin fever take over, but knowing my kids, I know they would feel it too. In our case, though we absolutely loved our cruise, I just don't think I could handle being "trapped" for an entire week on board a cruise ship...well...at least not until the kids are much, much older and able to entertain themselves!
Prior to our recent trip my husband and I had discussed taking a Disney cruise with our kids once our daughter turns 3 (she's only 17 months now). With kids you have to plan everything early, no matter what anyone tells you. We were very interested in taking a week long cruise, but with our recent experience, I just don't believe I can be on board a ship for that long with my kids. Not only would the effects of cabin fever take over, but knowing my kids, I know they would feel it too. In our case, though we absolutely loved our cruise, I just don't think I could handle being "trapped" for an entire week on board a cruise ship...well...at least not until the kids are much, much older and able to entertain themselves!
Our house is still up for sale, however, we're not trying to buy the same house. Confused yet?
We did put an offer in for the house we wanted, but luck was on our side and the owners decided to pull it off the market. Why do I say luck? Because that's just what it was. Though I loved the orginial house we wanted to purchase, my husband did not. He liked it, he just didn't love it like I did. We did however find a house we both loved! It's a little further away from my mom's house; in no way within walking distance like the other. The catcher...it isn't completely done. It's still being built. It's a 5br 3 ba like the other, but we have the feeling no one's been interested in it because, well honestly, it's on a pretty crappy lot. It has no backyard and some drainage issues. The person who designed the house for that lot was/is definitely an amateur and didn't know what they were doing. It's not anything that can't be fixed and hopefully we'll get it resolved before we actually "buy" it. Ohh, how this house is gorgeous problems and all. Now, if we could only sell ours for the amount of money we actually need to get, in order to buy the other.
Anyone want to buy a beautifully remodeled home for no less than $880,000? With the way the market is right now, it looks as if we may be staying put for a while...
We did put an offer in for the house we wanted, but luck was on our side and the owners decided to pull it off the market. Why do I say luck? Because that's just what it was. Though I loved the orginial house we wanted to purchase, my husband did not. He liked it, he just didn't love it like I did. We did however find a house we both loved! It's a little further away from my mom's house; in no way within walking distance like the other. The catcher...it isn't completely done. It's still being built. It's a 5br 3 ba like the other, but we have the feeling no one's been interested in it because, well honestly, it's on a pretty crappy lot. It has no backyard and some drainage issues. The person who designed the house for that lot was/is definitely an amateur and didn't know what they were doing. It's not anything that can't be fixed and hopefully we'll get it resolved before we actually "buy" it. Ohh, how this house is gorgeous problems and all. Now, if we could only sell ours for the amount of money we actually need to get, in order to buy the other.
Anyone want to buy a beautifully remodeled home for no less than $880,000? With the way the market is right now, it looks as if we may be staying put for a while...
September 22, 2006
Possible move
We weren't even really thinking about moving (ok maybe just every once in a while) from our brand new, beautifully remodeled in 2005, 3 BR 2 BA home. But after Jenah was born, we've occasionally looked at larger homes. I can see my kids growing up in our current home, but honestly, I also see them out growing it too. When we remodeled, we never even thought about storage space, so needless to say, we really don't have any. Lots of our junk is either at my mother's or my mother-in-laws house, because we just DON'T have room for it. It's in a great part of San Diego (Point Loma to be exact). We are minutes from the beach (yet we aren't beach people at all) and just in a prime location to say the least. BUT (and it's a big but), I just can't see us living in it for much longer. We spend WAY to much on gas every week driving back and forth to drop off the kids at day care (a.k.a, my mom), which is a 20-25 min drive. Then I make my way across town to work - another 25-30 min drive. My husband drives 20 mins to pick them up after work since he gets off earlier than I do (in the opposite direction of our home no less) to just turn around 10 mins later and drive home another 20-25 mins. Yah see our weekly pattern? I don't think it helps that we are constantly back up in that area on the weekends either.
Well there is this house up for sale...practically across the street from my mom's, literally around the corner from my brother & sister-in-law's homes. It's a VERY affordable price, especially for that area of town (Mt. Helix to be exact) and was completely built brand spanking new in 2004. We took a tour of it last night...IT WAS GORGEOUS. The pictures online didn't do it justice. All the bedrooms are HUGE! It's a 5 BR 3 BA home on double the lot size we are on now. It has a few minor changes I would make to it, but nothing drastic. Plenty of potential and OH so much storage space. 2 car garage that would actually fit both our cars. Ours now only fits my car and it's only a one car garage. There are just so MANY pros to it, yet there are a few cons. Mainly I will miss my custom built shower with seat and shower head system (4 shower heads in all). It's the house that we built for ourselves and for our children to grow up in. It was our kids first homes...they both came home from the hospital to this home. It has a lot of memories for us, but really that's it. It's just memories that will ALWAYS be there. And I would be bettering my children's lives. Bigger yard, great schools, close to almost all our family...where now it's really just us. I would definitely miss it, there is NO doubt about that. The problem is seeing if we can financially afford it. We'd have to put our house on the market and place an offer contingent on the sale of ours. We'd have to make sure we could actually GET a decent amount of money for ours so in turn we have enough to put down on this house. Oh the stumper...this new house doesn't have any type of fenced yard, so that would be something we'd HAVE to do...It's a tough decision but hopefully, depending on what happens, it ends up being the right decision.
Well there is this house up for sale...practically across the street from my mom's, literally around the corner from my brother & sister-in-law's homes. It's a VERY affordable price, especially for that area of town (Mt. Helix to be exact) and was completely built brand spanking new in 2004. We took a tour of it last night...IT WAS GORGEOUS. The pictures online didn't do it justice. All the bedrooms are HUGE! It's a 5 BR 3 BA home on double the lot size we are on now. It has a few minor changes I would make to it, but nothing drastic. Plenty of potential and OH so much storage space. 2 car garage that would actually fit both our cars. Ours now only fits my car and it's only a one car garage. There are just so MANY pros to it, yet there are a few cons. Mainly I will miss my custom built shower with seat and shower head system (4 shower heads in all). It's the house that we built for ourselves and for our children to grow up in. It was our kids first homes...they both came home from the hospital to this home. It has a lot of memories for us, but really that's it. It's just memories that will ALWAYS be there. And I would be bettering my children's lives. Bigger yard, great schools, close to almost all our family...where now it's really just us. I would definitely miss it, there is NO doubt about that. The problem is seeing if we can financially afford it. We'd have to put our house on the market and place an offer contingent on the sale of ours. We'd have to make sure we could actually GET a decent amount of money for ours so in turn we have enough to put down on this house. Oh the stumper...this new house doesn't have any type of fenced yard, so that would be something we'd HAVE to do...It's a tough decision but hopefully, depending on what happens, it ends up being the right decision.
September 13, 2006
Sing a song
What is it about a 3 year old that makes my heart melt? Lately, it's been his singing! Now is the age when kids begin to learn more things than just talking and playing. They learn to sing. Recently Noah has begun singing a few ditty's that I find so irrisistable. As of now, he knows the Itsy Bitsy Spider and the easier Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. If I dare sing along with him, he'll get upset and tell me, "No mommy! I can do it myself". With Itsy bitsy spider, he always forgets the part that goes, "down came the rain and washed the spider out". Noah's version: The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout, out came the sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the [water] spout again! I've tried several times to explain to him that he's missing an important part of the song, but he's so hard headed (he's definitely his fathers son!) he just shoos me off and continues to sing his version. I keep promising myself to try (key word here) to catch it on video, but Noah can be shy enough, that if I do get the camera out of it's hiding place, he'll stop dead in his tracks and give me that 'I won't do it now, because I know you want me to' stare. Ya wanna know another awing moment of it all for me? His little sister swaying her hips and head to the music! Kids...Ya gotta love 'em!
August 15, 2006
Priceless moment in time
I've been meaning to write this since the other day and just haven't gotten around to it...
So, Jenavieve has become totally fascinated with books. I found a bunch in Noah's room that I had bought for him when he was her age. He never really cared for them. Jenavieve on the other hand, has finally made it worth all the money we spent on them. Right now she has 2 favorites, one which is a Sesame Street peekaboo book. Each page has a character with flaps for hands hiding their face and when you say peekaboo you pull them down to reveal their face...this was her first favorite and since has managed to yank (more like rip) out a few hands during reading time. The next is an animals book that shows the baby animal and then on the following page it shows them doing something, such as sleeping, playing or what ever. The first page has kittens on it...she LOVES kitties. I unfortunately learned that this page was her favorite a week ago when I was sitting on the toilet and was basically forced to read it (more or less show it) from my current location. In the end it really wasn't that bad because I was left with a memory that no video camera would ever capture. I was reading her each page and every time I'd go back to the kitty page, she would throw back her head, close her eyes and give the cutest little squealing laugh...to me it was just a priceless moment in time that only I will remember for as long as my brain will allow it!
So, Jenavieve has become totally fascinated with books. I found a bunch in Noah's room that I had bought for him when he was her age. He never really cared for them. Jenavieve on the other hand, has finally made it worth all the money we spent on them. Right now she has 2 favorites, one which is a Sesame Street peekaboo book. Each page has a character with flaps for hands hiding their face and when you say peekaboo you pull them down to reveal their face...this was her first favorite and since has managed to yank (more like rip) out a few hands during reading time. The next is an animals book that shows the baby animal and then on the following page it shows them doing something, such as sleeping, playing or what ever. The first page has kittens on it...she LOVES kitties. I unfortunately learned that this page was her favorite a week ago when I was sitting on the toilet and was basically forced to read it (more or less show it) from my current location. In the end it really wasn't that bad because I was left with a memory that no video camera would ever capture. I was reading her each page and every time I'd go back to the kitty page, she would throw back her head, close her eyes and give the cutest little squealing laugh...to me it was just a priceless moment in time that only I will remember for as long as my brain will allow it!
August 2, 2006
We are paci-less!!!!
Last night was the first night in over a week that Noah asked for a shoosha (paci or pacifier for those who may be a little challenged ;-)). I told him that the shoosha fairy took it to give to the "new" babies being born and he then proceeded to explain to ME how she came and got them. He started his story off by saying, "She came in my room when I was sleeping and took the shoosha from under my pillow to give to other babies being born". Now mind you, that sentence took longer for him to say than it took me to type because he seems to repeat words almost like stuttering but not...You'd have to MEET Noah to really KNOW what I mean. So a 30 second sentence took about 5 minutes, since he felt compelled to tell his story of the shoosha fairy to me 2 more times and once more to his dad before it was time for bed. After all that he forgot he'd even asked for one and ONCE AGAIN went to bed shoosha-less without a fight!!!!
July 11, 2006
And it keeps flying
It's been about another 6 months since I've written anything, but I think it's because I feel like if I come here I have to write a novel and that is so not true. I wanted this to be an online diary of sorts and I just plain keep forgetting I have it...but I promise myself to come here more even if it's to write a sentence about the kids or whats happening.
Noah is 3 years old today (@ 1:44pm pst by emergency c-section). I'll never forget the way he came into this world. July 10, 2003 was my last day of work before I started maternity leave. I had planned to take almost 4 weeks prior to his due date off (due date was 8/4/03) so that I could get prepared for his arrival. That evening I was heckling my husband that since I didn't have to go to work, to please not make too much noise getting ready for work in the a.m. so I could sleep in. He heckled back that he hoped the baby would come tomorrow so he could start his planned vacation of 2 weeks. At about 12:30am I woke up with sharp pains and realized my water had broken. We get to the hospital, nurse checks me out and announces that my water has indeed ruptured and I would be having a baby today...Little bugger must have heard our conversation! 12 hours later, no progression in dialation (and NO drugs either) I was told I was being rushed in for an emergency c-section as they couldn't keep the baby's heart rate on the monitor and my blood pressure was sky high! Within 20 mins I was holding my baby boy and completely drugged out of my mind...he was taken away quickly to the NICU and I didn't see him again until 7pm. He had a few problems (low blood sugar, heart palpatations, very lethargic) but from what I was told, he just fixed himself and went home with us 2 days later. I still believe he just wanted to see his mommy again who only got to see him for 5 mins. after birth. Here is the end result, 3 years later...and worth all the pain in the world!

Tonight we'll be taking him to Chuck E. Cheese for his b-day. Of course I forgot my camera @ home, but at least now I have one of these handy camera phones and mine actually takes great quality pics. Then Saturday we are taking him to Soak City for a day of fun at the water park. My first baby is growing up way too fast (and to top it off he starts preschool next week)!
Noah is 3 years old today (@ 1:44pm pst by emergency c-section). I'll never forget the way he came into this world. July 10, 2003 was my last day of work before I started maternity leave. I had planned to take almost 4 weeks prior to his due date off (due date was 8/4/03) so that I could get prepared for his arrival. That evening I was heckling my husband that since I didn't have to go to work, to please not make too much noise getting ready for work in the a.m. so I could sleep in. He heckled back that he hoped the baby would come tomorrow so he could start his planned vacation of 2 weeks. At about 12:30am I woke up with sharp pains and realized my water had broken. We get to the hospital, nurse checks me out and announces that my water has indeed ruptured and I would be having a baby today...Little bugger must have heard our conversation! 12 hours later, no progression in dialation (and NO drugs either) I was told I was being rushed in for an emergency c-section as they couldn't keep the baby's heart rate on the monitor and my blood pressure was sky high! Within 20 mins I was holding my baby boy and completely drugged out of my mind...he was taken away quickly to the NICU and I didn't see him again until 7pm. He had a few problems (low blood sugar, heart palpatations, very lethargic) but from what I was told, he just fixed himself and went home with us 2 days later. I still believe he just wanted to see his mommy again who only got to see him for 5 mins. after birth. Here is the end result, 3 years later...and worth all the pain in the world!

Tonight we'll be taking him to Chuck E. Cheese for his b-day. Of course I forgot my camera @ home, but at least now I have one of these handy camera phones and mine actually takes great quality pics. Then Saturday we are taking him to Soak City for a day of fun at the water park. My first baby is growing up way too fast (and to top it off he starts preschool next week)!

We just got back (actually a month ago next week) from our first official family vacation. It was a blast. We went to Maui, HI and stayed at a great Hyatt resort with the coolest kids pool ever. We really just relaxed A LOT, shopped & swam (see them having fun in the kids pool below).

We did do a glass bottom boat tour, but I won't go into details since I've tried blocking it from my memory (Jenavieve decided to throw a screaming tantrum at the worse time possible). Lahaina is where most shops and restaurants were. We spent a lot of our time there too. One of our fave places that we ate at was Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. & Cheeseburger in Paradise (where we sat next to an NFL Superbowl winner - SB ring and all - but I have no clue who he was; all we know is he is #54 - There he is in the blue behind my baby girl)!

Our week of vacation is when Jenavieve decided she wanted to start walking,

so needless to say our trip home wasn't as bad as coming to HI, but bad enough. I still can't believe we're already planning next years vacation...at least by then Jenah will be 2 and MUCH MUCH easier to entertain. Noah was a saint (on the plane rides at least) most of our trip except for when he would refuse to eat (which happens a lot, so nothing new). Overall it was a great trip and I can't wait to go back (though next trip will be just us, as the kids limited the type of activities we could do).
I've novelized this to death (and even promised I wouldn't) but I haven't been on my blog for a LONG time, so I excuse myself this one last time...
February 24, 2006
How time flies...
I can't even believe I totally forgot about my blog! It's been since BEFORE my Vegas trip that I have even checked into this place...it's like I started it and then forgot all about it. Being a mom has taken a toll on my life. I just don't have time for simple things (like writing in a blog) and my memory has gone to shit. The only chance I have is here at work (where I'm at now, which still isn't very easy to do), because I know once I get home it willl be schedule time. Ya know? Get home, feed the monsters, get them bathed and put them to bed, all while trying to stay sane enough to do the dishes, help my husband with laundry (yes that's right...how else can I help right now when I have a 9 month old clinging for dear life to my leg every minute that we're home) and just try to un-wind from the work day. I love my family life, but every once in a while I remember back to when I was single, without a care in the world. I yearn for the day I can choose a bath over a shower again or just have one by myself with out a little face plastered to the shower door asking, "Mommy, what you doing?" For the day I can walk out the door for work without 2 kids dangling from my arms, 1 screaming because he doesn't want to leave the house this morning since it's "Saturday mommy"...I WISH every day was Saturday baby, but unfortunately it's not and how do you explain that to a 2 1/2 year old where he will actually understand it??? I've come to the conclusion that you can't...so you learn to lie to them instead (which I swore I would never do, but what you think you'll do and what you really end up doing is just the reality of it), otherwise we would NEVER get out of the house every morning! But no matter what, I've said it before and I'll say it again...I wouldn't change it for the world...and these 2 gorgeous faces are my reason why I shut up and deal!

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