It's been about another 6 months since I've written anything, but I think it's because I feel like if I come here I have to write a novel and that is so not true. I wanted this to be an online diary of sorts and I just plain keep forgetting I have it...but I promise myself to come here more even if it's to write a sentence about the kids or whats happening.
Noah is 3 years old today (@ 1:44pm pst by emergency c-section). I'll never forget the way he came into this world. July 10, 2003 was my last day of work before I started maternity leave. I had planned to take almost 4 weeks prior to his due date off (due date was 8/4/03) so that I could get prepared for his arrival. That evening I was heckling my husband that since I didn't have to go to work, to please not make too much noise getting ready for work in the a.m. so I could sleep in. He heckled back that he hoped the baby would come tomorrow so he could start his planned vacation of 2 weeks. At about 12:30am I woke up with sharp pains and realized my water had broken. We get to the hospital, nurse checks me out and announces that my water has indeed ruptured and I would be having a baby today...Little bugger must have heard our conversation! 12 hours later, no progression in dialation (and NO drugs either) I was told I was being rushed in for an emergency c-section as they couldn't keep the baby's heart rate on the monitor and my blood pressure was sky high! Within 20 mins I was holding my baby boy and completely drugged out of my mind...he was taken away quickly to the NICU and I didn't see him again until 7pm. He had a few problems (low blood sugar, heart palpatations, very lethargic) but from what I was told, he just fixed himself and went home with us 2 days later. I still believe he just wanted to see his mommy again who only got to see him for 5 mins. after birth. Here is the end result, 3 years later...and worth all the pain in the world!

Tonight we'll be taking him to Chuck E. Cheese for his b-day. Of course I forgot my camera @ home, but at least now I have one of these handy camera phones and mine actually takes great quality pics. Then Saturday we are taking him to Soak City for a day of fun at the water park. My first baby is growing up way too fast (and to top it off he starts preschool next week)!
Noah is 3 years old today (@ 1:44pm pst by emergency c-section). I'll never forget the way he came into this world. July 10, 2003 was my last day of work before I started maternity leave. I had planned to take almost 4 weeks prior to his due date off (due date was 8/4/03) so that I could get prepared for his arrival. That evening I was heckling my husband that since I didn't have to go to work, to please not make too much noise getting ready for work in the a.m. so I could sleep in. He heckled back that he hoped the baby would come tomorrow so he could start his planned vacation of 2 weeks. At about 12:30am I woke up with sharp pains and realized my water had broken. We get to the hospital, nurse checks me out and announces that my water has indeed ruptured and I would be having a baby today...Little bugger must have heard our conversation! 12 hours later, no progression in dialation (and NO drugs either) I was told I was being rushed in for an emergency c-section as they couldn't keep the baby's heart rate on the monitor and my blood pressure was sky high! Within 20 mins I was holding my baby boy and completely drugged out of my mind...he was taken away quickly to the NICU and I didn't see him again until 7pm. He had a few problems (low blood sugar, heart palpatations, very lethargic) but from what I was told, he just fixed himself and went home with us 2 days later. I still believe he just wanted to see his mommy again who only got to see him for 5 mins. after birth. Here is the end result, 3 years later...and worth all the pain in the world!

Tonight we'll be taking him to Chuck E. Cheese for his b-day. Of course I forgot my camera @ home, but at least now I have one of these handy camera phones and mine actually takes great quality pics. Then Saturday we are taking him to Soak City for a day of fun at the water park. My first baby is growing up way too fast (and to top it off he starts preschool next week)!

We just got back (actually a month ago next week) from our first official family vacation. It was a blast. We went to Maui, HI and stayed at a great Hyatt resort with the coolest kids pool ever. We really just relaxed A LOT, shopped & swam (see them having fun in the kids pool below).

We did do a glass bottom boat tour, but I won't go into details since I've tried blocking it from my memory (Jenavieve decided to throw a screaming tantrum at the worse time possible). Lahaina is where most shops and restaurants were. We spent a lot of our time there too. One of our fave places that we ate at was Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. & Cheeseburger in Paradise (where we sat next to an NFL Superbowl winner - SB ring and all - but I have no clue who he was; all we know is he is #54 - There he is in the blue behind my baby girl)!

Our week of vacation is when Jenavieve decided she wanted to start walking,

so needless to say our trip home wasn't as bad as coming to HI, but bad enough. I still can't believe we're already planning next years least by then Jenah will be 2 and MUCH MUCH easier to entertain. Noah was a saint (on the plane rides at least) most of our trip except for when he would refuse to eat (which happens a lot, so nothing new). Overall it was a great trip and I can't wait to go back (though next trip will be just us, as the kids limited the type of activities we could do).
I've novelized this to death (and even promised I wouldn't) but I haven't been on my blog for a LONG time, so I excuse myself this one last time...