An ATG is a huge gun like tape dispenser that holds TONS of adhesive on a huge roll. This is wonderous for a scrapper who gets tired of running out of teeny tiny adhesives while in the middle of a project. This gun is normally used by framers (for pictures), but has become a huge tool for scrapbookers. I was fortunate to receive one for Christmas from my mom, however the big thing is to try and alter it (make it your own style). It starts out looking like a regular tape dispenser in it's canary yellow state (see example below). I frequent the message boards at and was seeing all the great ways some really crafty women were "altering" their guns. Well, monkey see, monkey do (see completed pics below)!
Original state: Altered state (backside):
Altered state (front side):
I can finally say that I'm a crafter now and not just a scrapbooker :o)
Just a quick update that I went back to the doctors office yesterday due to the fact that my throat is still bothering me. It still hurts to swallow and I began getting an earache that hurt like the dickens. Finally got them to prescribe antibiotics AGAIN. 2nd time in 3 wks. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it works and that it stays away for good this time. Thank you!
I'm just so excited that I'm out of my scrapping slump. I finally got the courage to just dive in and use PageMaps as a template for my LO. I'm SO happy I took the dive. I feel like I've finally got a great start to working on my wedding LO's...and we've been married 5.5 yrs, lol. I can't wait to continue using the sketches from PageMaps. It was definitely worth the time to print out every sketch they have to date on their website...that's going back to April of 2004, when I'm assuming the creator began the website. I'm going to make sure to link it to my blog, I feel it's that worthy.
Title is done with both Printing 101 & Teardrop. White portion of the flowers are from AE, then a blue prima and the brad was a silver brad that I tried melting and then embossing! It came out awesome. I used a white glitter embossing powder just hoping that it would come close enough to match the white glitter paper I used for the flower and I think it came out looking pretty much like the same white glitter color. White backround with the scallops was done with AE & a square from George (this is for those who are scrapping savvy and know what all this gibberish is about, lol).
Close up of the flower(s):
I had planned to continue on my crafting streak, but as we had a busy, non stop day clearing out clothes that no longer fit my children, laundry, a host of other house chores, then BBQ'ing and spending the day in the pool (we had to take advantage of our unusually hot April day), I'm SO pooped I think I'll just wait for tomorrow when I have more energy. It's not even 8:30pm here as I type this and I'm seriously considering going to off I go!
It is NOT strep! Praise halleluia!!! However I still have pain when swallowing and I've been told it could possibly be a yeast infection from the recent antibiotics I took...Ok gross and I had NO clue you could get that any where other than in a woman's hoo hoo. I was also told to continuously take motrin, 800mg, for pain as needed. And boy have I been needing lots. Should have insisted on Rx for it, but either way it helps for bits at a time.
Because I've got the freaking strep AGAIN! Exactly 2 weeks to the day that it started the last time it started again. I'm heading to the docs for some of that awesome antibiotics that helped me the last time. Except this time I know what it is and I can stop it from getting as bad as it was the last time. Oh and I got it again, most likely because it didn't dawn on me that I should probably throw away my toothbrush!!! Eh, it was my first time ever battleing strep so how the heck was I too know? Oh and learn.
I'm fed up with it! Since the end of Februaray I can't seem to shake being sick. I was sick with the flu at the beginning of March, thrown a couple prescriptions my way and told if I don't get better in a few days fill them and take as directed. I began to feel better a couple days later, so felt I should save my $30 in copays for something more important like, oh I don't know, scrapbook supplies :o)! All month long I'd been trying to coordinate a trip to Sea World with some friends. Our nephew, who works there, gave us some tickets back in December for a final end of season Hoorah! trip with Noah's soccer team. It was rained out that day, game was cancelled and we did Chuck E. Cheese instead. So here we were with free tickets and any chance to go before 3/31. I completely forgot about them until Feb (go figure). Then I was busy with other stuff that by the time I got a couple friends willing to join us it was already late March. So we choose the very last weekend of March (couldn't let those passes go to waste) and wouldn't you know that that very week before our excursion I start feeling a tickle in my throat that slowly progressed to pain when swallowing. I was determined to make the trek and enjoy a beautiful sunny San Diego day with our friend Shamu, so we went. Kids had a blast, tired them out galore, got some great pics of the kids playing with sea creatures and I began to feel worse. I was actually feeling pretty darn good until just before we left. By the time we got home I could barely swallow my saliva, it felt like shards of glass trickling down my throat. I forced myself to eat dinner (man I was hungry!) and I think that was the hardest time I've ever had eating chicken and mash potatoes! MASHED freaking POTATOES even hurt going down. I'd never felt this kind of pain in my life. I mean I've had sore throats before but nothing like this EVER (well that I can remember, lol). So I did some research and it sounded like I had streptococcus, aka strep throat. I was in such agonizing pain that I was ready to have my husband take me to urgent care when I remembered the prescription I was given at the beginning of the month. I knew it was for anitbiotics I just wasn't sure what they were for. I had the flu, a sore throat and some body aches, but I really thought it was stretching it that they would be good for strep. I dug through my car like a mad women, weeding through preschool papers and projects of Noah's, flinging them around but reminding myself I needed to get those in his "memory box", begging God to let me find that white piece of gold fast. It was tucked away in the console of my car! Subconciously, I must have "hidden" it away for the in case I need them (the last time). I run (as fast as a fluffy women like myself can, ha ha ha) back up the stairs to the house and over to the computer to begin my research. The antibiotics that was written was for azithromycin. By the end of my research I find that coincidentally, it's a perfect match for strep (doc must have thought I could have been coming down with it the last time but I never did). I beg my husband to go get it filled at Rite Aid immediately and I think God was looking down on me at that very moment. When Brian returned he says, "Good thing I got there when I did. They were just closing at 7". He left the house at just past 6:45! I'm now feeling much better, still a small bit of pain when swallowing, but NOTHING like it was this weekend. And here I was looking forward to visiting with a friend on Saturday for her daughter's 1st birthday party. Sadly, I don't think we're going to make it as even though I'm feeling better, I don't know what the contagious period is for strep and the last thing she needs is her or her 1 & almost 3 year old coming down with it because of me...Now I'm just praying my kids don't get it either :o(
I'm just a mom to 2 wonderful kiddos (Noah 8 & Jenavieve 6), who learned of a wonderful hobby called scrapbooking. I'm having so much fun learning so many new things. The world of scrapping is SO much more than just papers and pictures.