June 8, 2009

10 months later

Many of you who would read this know that I am not at the "wonderful new exciting" job at all. That "wonderful" job that was going to help out my family financially didn't pan out. I worked it for 2 months and then quit to go back to my "old" job. The boss was a bitch, didn't want to take the time to train me and I found out she was looking to replace me any way, so I quit while I could and begged (practically on hands and knees) if they would take me back. They did and I'm very fortunate for that. It honestly feels like I never left and never should have either.

In other news, Festa has come and gone in our home (a few photos courtesy of Teri Simas follow below). The yearbook is finally done and being delivered this week so I can FINALLY get back to scrapbooking my OWN children, lol. This is the last week of school and in honor of Noah doing such a great job in his first year I was trying to upload a schoolish backround for my blog, but since work sucks and blocks everything, I can't seem to do it so it stays as is :o). That's about it for now...I'm sure I'm missing a ton like Jenavieve's 4th birthday and that I have new nephews, via fostering, but that will be saved for next time since I've got to get some work done...

Sir Noah / King Chase & His Royal Side Sir Noah
Princess Jenavieve

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