March 12, 2008

"New" Blogger

So for a while now (let's say about a year, just to give me a better excuse as to why I haven't blogged since January of 2007!), I've been trying to get into my blogger account. I haven't had the greatest of luck because now it's set up through a google account, which I did not have. This entire time I've been trying to create a google account thru the blogger account and I kept getting errors saying my password was not strong enough or whatever. So I gave up! Plain and simple. Today I was reading a friends blog and thought how much I missed it here and would love to continue with my now year long absent blog, when it finally dawned on me to create an account directly from google and then get into my blog from there. Guess that worked because I'm finally in and back to's literally been a VERY long time since my last blog...over a year to be exact. At least I'm back in and will update more often now.

Oh yes and since my last entry, I've become scrapbook obsessed, so I'll be posting my "works of art" here from time to time. More so because I can't get into myspace anymore from work which is where I usually had posted my least I can get in here to show the world why my house looks like a scrapbook store exploded inside it!

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